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Antonio Martorell

Martorel studied diplomacy until abandoning it for the graphic arts. He founded the workshop Alacrán and created some of his best posters at the Institute of Culture where he worked with Lorenzo Homar. (Puerto Rican Culture Institute, UPR)

— Antonio Carrión, 2008

Of the 316 posters in the collection, 7 are by Antonio Martorell.

Poster #262 (Antonio Martorell)
Poster #256 (Antonio Martorell)
Poster #257 (Antonio Martorell)
Poster #258 (Antonio Martorell)
Poster #259 (Antonio Martorell)
Poster #260 (Antonio Martorell)
Poster #261 (Antonio Martorell)
Poster #262 (Antonio Martorell)
Site designed and created by Alex Reisner